We have been fully involved in picture our stage shows; it's important to us to do something really unique and almost off-the-wall to bring the emotion and the visuals together. We love creative art and actually went to school for visual media, so it isn't so much 'pressure' for us; it's a way to be creative, and We really enjoy it. We've carried that over into the visual development as well. We've designed quite an exotic cast of characters, but the last thing we want is to dictate to the players how their screen should look. What we want to do is inspire.
Head photographer SangHoon Lee
서울시 중구 을지로33길 21 (을지로4가) 4층
4F, 21, Eulji-ro 33-gil. Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
서울시 중구 을지로33길 21 (을지로4가) 4층
4F, 21, Eulji-ro 33-gil. Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea